Friday, March 16, 2007

Hoo! Ha! India!! HOO HAA INDIA!!!!

The title to this post is from the cheer that is now in 95% of the commericals on television, because the ICC World Cup has just started. The ICC World Cup is the world cup for cricket. It just started this past week, and the games have dominated our television at home ever since. Although I must say, it's pretty interesting to watch, in fact, I might be turning into a cricket fan/addict For the uninitiated, the ICC is being hosted in the West Indies this year, which means that even though I'm in India, 85% of me is rooting for the WI team. (Jamaica, anyone?) Don't tell my host family, though. ; )

Sooo....I'm going to blame my lack of blog postage on the horrible internet that's been happening for the past two weeks. Actually they had to replace the internet box (that's what I'm going to call it because I don't know the real name) and it just started working again yesterday. Apologies for the many backed up emails I haven't replied to yet, I'll be getting to them soon.

Coming up, in the Times of Anna (knock-off of a newspaper here called the Times of India) is a trip to Bangalore this weekend. Actually, it's Bangalore, Mysore, Shravanabelagola, Melukote, Somnathpure, and Sriangapattana. Don't ask me what all those places are, I don't know, hopefully I will by Tuesday, which is when we return. One of the best parts about this trip, or rather, our tranportation there, is that CIEE has decided to fly us!! Hurrah!! Unfortunately, that also means we're leaving at 4 am Saturday, which is in 4 hours. So much for sleep!

Previously, in the Times of Anna, last weekend was the festival of Holi. Holi is an Indian holiday that involves eating sweets and ambushing your friends by yelling while dumping coloured paint and powder on them. (With the occasional raw egg thrown in for variety). It is great fun!! Included is a photo, thanks to a fellow CIEE-er, of the aftermath of Holi. L-R me, my host sister Sowmya, my host-brother's girlfriend Shriya, and my roommate/fellow CIEE-er/dost(friend in Hindi)/sister Brittany Jordan. I think Brittany is pretty awesome, in case you couldn't tell.

The snap at the top of this entry is a picture of me from my last trip at Hampi (thanks to Britt), or as I like to call it, me falling in love with India.

I should probably go now, because even though I have only four hours to sleep, I should probably take advantage of those four hours. Last bits of updates are that I am now travelling for three weeks in India, then flying to London, visiting a friend there for ten days, and then coming home. Travel plans will be elaborated on in my next blog. But one of the best parts (again, involving transportation) is that in moving my special student ticket with a fee of only $25 for a date change--yes, I realize how amazing that is--I was bumped up to middle class for an additional fee of only $50!!! WHOO-HOO!!! Buisiness class from Delhi to London should be BEAUTIFUL. I might not sleep just so I can order special food and watch special movies and stretch my legs in all of the extra leg room I shall have. Okay. I'm off to get 3 hours and 45 minutes of sleep now.

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